Sunday 29 November 2015

Eleventh Hour Art and Design

Welcome to my newest blog
This one is dedicated to my new project #EleventhHourDesign I get really saddened by corruption, greed, war etc... Here is a selection of art and poetry I have written in response to the sadness and despair that seeps into our daily lives from deforestation, The death of the honey bee to the constant war on humanity. We must not be ignorant of the ways people are choosing to destroy the world and each other but also we must not give up hope for peace unity and goodness. 
It feels like the eleventh hour. Our last chance to change things. 

Evidence is growing that poisonous chemicals (pesticides) that are sprayed on crops is killing bees. If they go we go. If possible and affordable buy organic. Many local farms do organic vegitable boxes or bags search for local organic veg box. It's also probably more heathy for us to eat food without pesticides on. 

Anti fracking paper cut. 

I believe in clean renewable energy. Only greed stands in the way of it. 
Fracking and nuclear are accidents waiting to happen and leaves vast amounts of toxic waste for future generations. 

Anti Arctic drilling papercut design. 
No to drilling in the Arctic. No to the greedy thirst of the oil companies. 

No to deforestation for Palm oil
I think it's absolutely unforgivable what palm oil companies are doing to the forests. As consumers we can choose not to buy unethical Palm oil product. Search for a list of companies and products online to avoid if you want to avoid contributing towards the death of millions of animals and to our oxygen giving trees. 

Seeing people on the news fleeing from their homes or crying from the loss of loved ones is so hard to see I donate what I can but really feel so helpless.
I feel gratitude for my life and I wish every one had love and security in their lives.

 We all have the power to do good we can all help someone, we can all help bring peace to someone in some way. I love the saying "To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world" Bill Wilson

Our individual actions can and do make changes in this world. We also have the strength to make a change as individuals working together.